"I'LL DO IT." - Lucky Pencils (one dozen)

Regular price $12.00

A long long time ago, my sister had "I'LL DO IT." pencils made for me to use as I studied, and practiced for, my state's Bar Exam. I even had a few extras, that I sharpened up and handed out to others before the test started. THE TEST that I had probably spent more time studying for, than all hours studied for law school exams - combined. Still, I was terrified that I would fail. But, not only did I pass - but an individual I had shared a pencil with (who will obviously remain unnamed), who had taken and failed the Exam no fewer than four times - also passed.  There must be SOMETHING special in these pencils, right? So, I offer this pencil (in bundles of one dozen), to both the future GIRL ATTORNEY® Members, trying to mind-over-matter recall the massive volume of information which can be genuinely so overwhelming that it can be undermining, and to all the GIRL ATTORNEY® Members who are trying to mind-over-matter anything that threatens to inhibit your greatness and potential as you contribute to the legal field. OR, to give to your kids on standardized-test days.